剣術 (kenjutsu) literally means “sword technique” or “sword art” and refers to the Japanese warrior arts which were created and developed during feudal Japan. A traditional school of kenjutsu is where (samurai) were taught the use of classical Japanese weapons for both individual confrontations and during battlefield combat. Students were also taught the appropriate conduct (etiquette) which served the dual purposes of helping to ensure the safety of their respective (feudal lord) and also allow the samurai to function appropriately in noble society.
Ottawa Kenjtusu teaches the 心影流 (Heart Reflection Style) of kenjutsu. This style refers to reading and understanding an opponent’s intention and creating a response in the opponent which can be countered. The style was founded 450 years ago, during the (warring states period), a time when most of Japan was embroiled in constant warfare. As such, the traditions, customs and techniques are reflective of this period. At Ottawa Kenjutsu, we strive to follow traditional techniques and continue the preservation of this classical Japanese sword art.
Jeremy DeMan, the instructor at Ottawa Kenjutsu, began training in 2002 at Noble House Kenjutsu in Edmonton and has been granted permission to share the knowledge he gained through his training there.
Sojutsu - The art of using epic spears
Naginatajutsu - Using Bladed Staff Weapons
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Port – Portofino, Italy
Guests – 5
Crew – 3, including chef
Design – Discovery 67
Length – 67'
Guest Cabins – 2
Scuba Diving
Wake Boarding
Kite Surfing
Water Skiing
Land Excursions
Not fishing
Satellite Telephone
XM Satellite Radio
15ft Dinghy with 50 HP
Towing Tube
One, 2-Person Kayak
Deck Shower